Novilia – Karawang Regency has highest UMK in West Java

Governor of West Java, Ahmad Heryawan has decided and validated UMK (Mininum Wages Regency) 2016 for 27 cities/regencies in West Java on Saturday November 21st, 2015. This year, the UMK of West Java rise in 11,5 %. Governor of West Java, Ahmad Heryawan said that this judgment is the best result of his effort to Mr. Joko Widodo. He said that the rise of the UMK this year is the maximum result, although the laborer want the UMK rise up to 25%. The 11,5% rise of the UMK of West Java has written in PP No 78/2015. So, it’s impossible that they are out of that. They ldon’t want to oppose a judgment that be signed by country symbol, president. If there is laborer that still protest about it, the government will not close the ears. They will accept it and deliver it to the center government. In this judgment, Karawang regency has the highest UMK than others cities/regencies, it is Rp. 3.330.505. Besides that, the lowest UMK is Pangandaran regency, it is Rp. 1.324.620. The difference between the highest and the lowest is Rp. 2.005.885. The average UMK in West Java is Rp. 2.147.395,34.

source :

Novilia Tri Amaliyah

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